Sarajevo: A Journey Through History, Culture, and Resilience

Sarajevo: A Journey Through History, Culture, and Resilience

August 21, 2017 (7y ago)

Sarajevo: A City of Contrasts, History, and Resilience

Sarajevo is a city where the past and present collide in the most striking of ways. During our stay at Hostel Franz Ferdinand, centrally located and brimming with stories of history, we found ourselves immersed in Sarajevo’s rich culture and tumultuous past. Armed with just a backpack for our two-week journey through the Balkans, we explored a city that wears its scars and triumphs with equal pride.

Hostel Franz Ferdinand

The Dichotomy of Sarajevo

Sarajevo’s duality was evident from the moment we arrived. In one breath, we walked through the narrow streets of Baščaršija, Sarajevo’s Old City, where time seemed to stand still amidst Ottoman architecture and cobblestone pathways. In the next, we stood before modern government buildings and the scars of a not-so-distant war, the shrapnel damage on the walls bearing silent witness to the city’s history.

Building architecture shrapnel scars
Sarajevo government building

The contrast between Sarajevo’s old and new sections is dramatic. One of the most poignant examples of this dichotomy is the Gazi Husrev-beg Clock Tower, one of the few in the world that runs on lunar time, dictating the Islamic prayer schedule. Hearing the call to prayer echo through the city as the clock tower chimes is a humbling experience, a reminder of Sarajevo’s deeply rooted spirituality.

Clock tower black white

A City Shaped by War

Sarajevo’s history, especially during the Bosnian War of the 1990s, is palpable in every corner of the city. The siege of Sarajevo was one of the longest in modern history, and you can still see the remnants of the relentless shelling. The Sarajevo Roses, shell craters filled with red resin, commemorate the lives lost during the bombardment. These "roses" are scattered throughout the city, subtle but powerful reminders of the resilience of Sarajevo’s people.

Sarajevo roses

One of the most significant sites we visited was the Latin Bridge, famous for being the location where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated—an event that sparked World War I. Standing at the bridge and imagining that moment in history was surreal. The nearby museum even has a replica of the car Franz Ferdinand was riding in, a stark reminder of the fragility of peace.

Sarajevo latin bridge

The Tragedy of Srebrenica

No visit to Sarajevo is complete without reflecting on the tragic events of Srebrenica, where over 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were systematically murdered in the worst massacre on European soil since World War II. Learning about the Srebrenica genocide from locals and memorial sites was a sobering experience that left us reflecting on the atrocities of war and the resilience of the survivors. It’s a reminder of the importance of preserving history, no matter how painful, to ensure that such horrors are never repeated.

Srebrenika Grafity

Exploring Sarajevo’s Rich Culture

Despite its war-torn history, Sarajevo pulses with life and culture. The Old City is a treasure trove of artisanal goods, from copper coffee sets to hand-tooled leather belts. Watching artisans at work in their small shops felt like stepping into the past, a continuation of ancient traditions that have survived generations.

sarajevo belt artisan belt artisan working using lighter on belt artisan pressing holes into belt

Sarajevo’s streets are full of vibrant color and creativity. Art installations like the Canned Beef Sculpture, a powerful symbol of Sarajevo’s endurance during the siege, serve as both a reminder of the city’s hardships and its ability to rise above them.

Canned beef sculpture

The colorful lights in cafes and artisan shops added charm to every corner of the Old City. It felt like stepping into an ancient bazaar where the spirit of Sarajevo shone brightest.

Colorful lights ceiling decoration

As we wandered, we took note of Sarajevo’s fascinating East-meets-West atmosphere, where mosques, Orthodox cathedrals, and Catholic churches coexist in harmony. The Orthodox Cathedral is a stunning example of the city’s religious diversity, its intricate architecture a symbol of Sarajevo’s rich spiritual heritage.

Sarajevo orthodox cathedral
East west

Dining with a View at Bašča Kod Ene

One of the highlights of our time in Sarajevo was enjoying dinner at Bašča Kod Ene, a charming restaurant perched on a hill overlooking the city. The view alone was worth the visit, but the food—authentic Bosnian cuisine prepared over an open fire—made it unforgettable. We feasted on sausages, grilled meats, and hearty local dishes, all while watching the sun set over Sarajevo.

Fire cooking basca kod ene
Entrance outdoors basca kod ene
Evening dinner sausage basca kod ene

The Passion of Sarajevo’s Soccer Scene

Sarajevo’s energy isn’t just confined to its historical landmarks; it’s also alive in its passion for soccer. We attended a local soccer match, and the atmosphere was nothing short of wild. After the home team won, fans celebrated by lighting t-shirts on fire and climbing fences—an intensity of spirit that reflects the city’s determination in every aspect of life.

Reflections from Sarajevo

Sarajevo is a city of contradictions—where the scars of war meet the vibrancy of modern life, where the East and West converge, and where history is as alive as the present. Our time here was brief but impactful, filled with stories, sights, and experiences that will stay with us long after we’ve left.

From the poignant Sarajevo Roses to the lively Old City, from the powerful history of the Latin Bridge to the bustling soccer scene, Sarajevo is a city of resilience. It’s a place where the past is never forgotten, but where the future is embraced with an infectious energy and determination.

Sarajevo town view hill

Sarajevo is more than just a destination; it’s a testament to the strength and spirit of its people. If you’re seeking a city that defies expectations and offers a rich, multi-layered experience, Sarajevo is not to be missed.

Sarajevo avaz twist tower